Thursday, September 14, 2006


My started out by a refeshing keynote of Michael Jones about google-maps,

and how you can use their maps by projecting things on top of them. Afterwards, for most of the visitors it was time to have a smoke,

and making new business contacts:

After the inspiring views of Alan Moore (poking nose below) and the best keynote by Joseph Jaffe (sending sms below) it was Ben Hammersley's (on stage in a kilt below) turn...

... to this summarize and close of this extraordinary day, by telling us his thoughts on the e-years ahead of us. His speech contained two interesting statements:

"the internet has had an enormous effect on all the aspects of our lives"

When your grandchildren ask you in 40 years:
"Grandpa, what was your role during the renaissance, the internet revolution?"

You better make it something worth saying. In other words: "GO" for it!
He ended his speech by encouraging us to get terribly drunk... and everybody fled to the bar.

On my walk home through the suburbs of Rotterdam the whole day came down to me a bit surreal and fake, like Second Life. All the talking about intangible worlds made me find even this metro station tunnel look more attractive then the hottest Avatar in Second Life.

*all pictures were inspired by and taken during and straight after emerce


Alper said...


Anonymous said...

Was het leuk?

Eelke aka Toon said...

Ja geweldig, een mooie ervaring, een TOPlocatie, mooi aangekleed, belooft veel goeds voor het symposium...
Een goed verslag van de dag is te lezen op:

maar ik zal een dezer dagen de voor mij en voor TOPdesk belangrijkste ontwikkelingen wel even op een rij zetten. In ieder geval is er nog veel meer te halen uit onze site, en andere online activiteiten,. en de community is volgens mij en anderen op op de moment de perfecte ontwikkeling.

Anonymous said...

that must have been an impressive day boy! But how do you explain your mother? mapie

Anonymous said...

Dear Eelke,

Thank you for producing such an inspiring picture of me! haha.

I think I was in the process of prayer.

You have some great pictures on this site.


Alan Moore

Communities Dominate Brands